Category: History
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Academic "construction" in Perm began in 1971 with the formation of the Department of Polymer Physics of the Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, as well as divisions of the institutes for plant and animal ecology and economics (Yekaterinburg).Pozdeev2

In 1980, the Department of Polymer Physics was transformed into the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences (ICMM, UC USSR Academy of Sciences), Corresponding Member Alexander Aleksandrovich Pozdeyev, who is rightfully considered to be the founder of the academic science of Kama region, became its first director.

In 1985, the Institute of Organic Chemistry with experimental production of the Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences was organized on the basis of the Department of Chemistry of the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, renamed the Institute of Technical Chemistry of the Ural Branch of Sciences of the USSR in 1991 (ITC RAS UB).

Perm Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (PSC UB of the USSR Academy of Sciences) was created simultaneously with the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences by Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1088 of 26 September 1987, resolution of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR of 22 January 1988 No. 12 and the Decree of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences of 1 February 1988 No. 2.19 on the basis of the institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences located in the city of Perm:


The first chairman and founder of the Ural branch was academician G.A. Mesiats. The first chairman of the Perm Scientific Center and the Director of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was Corresponding Member, Doctor of Technical Sciences Yuri Stepanovich Klyachkin.

In 1988, the Department of Breeding and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology of the Ural Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Sverdlovsk) was transformed into the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (later IEGM UB RAS). The Institute was headed by the future academician and chairman of Ural Branch V.A. Chereshnev.

In the same year, the Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences was established, headed by Corresponding Member Arkady Evgenievich Krasnoshtein krasnoshtein1, who headed it until 2009.

After renaming the Ural Branch of Sciences of the USSR (Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences) into the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) on the basis of the Presidential Decree of 21 November 1991, No. 228 all the institutes on the basis of the National Scientific Center began to be called with a modified abbreviation of UB RAS: PSC UB RAS, ICMM UB RAS, MI UB RAS, IEGM UB RAS.

In 1994, Perm Department of Social and Economic Research of the Institute of Economics, UB RAS, was transformed into the Perm branch of IE UB RAS.

In 2003, Perm branch was established to study political institutions and processes of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2004, Perm branch of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences was established. In August 2013, both humanitarian branches were transferred to the structure of the PSC UB RAS as departments: the department for the study of political institutions and processes and the department of history, archeology and ethnography.

In 2013, the Laboratory of Photonics of the PSC UB RAS was organized on the initiative of Chairman of the Presidium of the Perm Scientific Center, Academician V.P. Matveyenko and General Director of Perm Scientific-Production Instrument-Making Company (PSPIMC) A.G. Andreeva.

In 2013, as a result of the merge of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Perm Research Institute of Agriculture (PRIA) became part of the PSC UB RAS.

In 2017, the PSC UB RAS was reorganized into the PFC UB RAS (Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) in the form of affiliation: