Category: Board of Young Scientists
Hits: 2622

The Board of Young Scientists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BYS PFRC UB RAS) is a public body under the Directorate of PFRC UB RAS.

The activities of the Council are aimed at developing the creative potential of young scientists (up to the age of 35), at raising the professional level, expanding the scientific outlook and solving important social problems of young people working in the affiliates of PFRC UB RAS.

In order to develop youth scientific initiatives, promote professional growth and broaden the horizons of young scientists, the Board:

In order to solve social and material problems of young scientists and specialists, the Board:

The Board of Young Scientists of PFRC UB RAS interacts with educational institutions in order to attract young people to research activities and increase the level of creative activity of young researchers.