Category: Postgraduate Studies
Hits: 6109

Postgraduate education is carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards (FSES) full-time on a budgetary or contractual basis on the basis of:

Enrollment in the budget postgraduate study is carried out within the control enrollment figures, i.e. the number of allocated places for admission established by the organizations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Postgraduate students at Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are trained in 7 fields (11 specialties) in the areas of physical, mathematical, chemical, biological, technical, medical, geological and mineralogical sciences. Each graduate student is assigned a supervisor and approved an individual work plan. During the term of postgraduate studies, a graduate student must prepare a scientific and qualification work (thesis/dissertation).

Branches of Education

1. Mathematics and Mechanics (01.06.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.

2. Chemical sciences (04.06.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.

3. Chemical technology (06.18.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.

4. Earth sciences (05.06.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 3 years.

5. Geology exploration and development of minerals (06.21.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.

6. Fundamental medicine (06.30.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 3 years.

7. Biological sciences (06.06.01):

Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.

Contact information

Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies –
Ph.D. Tsvetkova Natalya Aleksandrovna
Perm, 13a, Lenina street
+7 (342) 212-40-78
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