- Category: Education
- Hits: 6878
According to the license and the charter of the PFRC UB RAS, it conducts educational events:
- on the programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical staff at postgraduate studies (7 fields);
- for additional professional programs of professional retraining and advanced training.
- Category: Postgraduate Studies
- Hits: 6113
Postgraduate education is carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards (FSES) full-time on a budgetary or contractual basis on the basis of:
- Charter of the Center
- licenses for the right to conduct educational events
- certificates of state accreditation
Enrollment in the budget postgraduate study is carried out within the control enrollment figures, i.e. the number of allocated places for admission established by the organizations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Postgraduate students at Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are trained in 7 fields (11 specialties) in the areas of physical, mathematical, chemical, biological, technical, medical, geological and mineralogical sciences. Each graduate student is assigned a supervisor and approved an individual work plan. During the term of postgraduate studies, a graduate student must prepare a scientific and qualification work (thesis/dissertation).
Branches of Education
1. Mathematics and Mechanics (01.06.01):
- Mechanics of a deformable solid (01.02.04)
- Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics (01.02.05)
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.
2. Chemical sciences (04.06.01):
- Organic Chemistry (02.00.03)
- Kinetics and catalysis (02.00.15).
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.
3. Chemical technology (06.18.01):
- Technology and processing of polymers and composites (05.17.06)
- Chemical technology of fuels and high-energy substances (05.17.07)
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.
4. Earth sciences (05.06.01):
- Geoecology (25.00.36).
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 3 years.
5. Geology exploration and development of minerals (06.21.01):
- Geomechanics of rock destruction, mine aerogasdynamics and mountain thermal physics (25.00.20)
- Mining and oil and gas geology, surveying and subsoil geometry (25.00.16)
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.
6. Fundamental medicine (06.30.01):
- Clinical immunology and allergology (03.14.09)
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 3 years.
7. Biological sciences (06.06.01):
- Microbiology (03.02.03)
Education is carried out on a full-time basis for 4 years.
Contact information
Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies –
Ph.D. Tsvetkova Natalya Aleksandrovna
Perm, 13a, Lenina street
+7 (342) 212-40-78
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- Category: Department of Foreign Languages and Philosophy
- Hits: 6406
The activity of the department has the following aims:
- to assist employees of scientific institutions in formation and improvement of a foreign language communicative and professional competence;
- to overcome language barriers and ethnocentrism;
- to foster respect for the mentality, culture and traditions of the European community in the process of learning languages;
- to encourage the pursuit of academic multilingualism, defined by the European language portfolio;
- to preserve the linguistic and methodical traditions of the Petersburg (Shcherba’s) scientific school, developing them with the involvement of modern technologies.
- Category: Department of Foreign Languages and Philosophy
- Hits: 5821
The Department of Foreign Languages and Philosophy conducts systematic work on preparing for exams and taking candidate examinations in foreign languages and philosophy (twice a year) with post-graduate students and applicants of the institutes of PFRC of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The department also conducts classes to improve the proficiency in English, German and French for employees of academic institutions PFRC UB RAS.
The department in the structure of Perm Scientific Center was established in the early 90s as an educational structure for training graduate students and applicants from academic institutions in Perm to pass entrance and candidate exams in a foreign language and philosophy.
The mission of the department is knowledge of a foreign language as an integral part of the professional competence of a specialist.
The activity of the department has the following aims:
- to assist employees of scientific institutions in the formation and improvement of foreign language communicative and professional competence;
- to overcome language barriers and ethnocentrism;
- to foster respect for the mentality, culture and traditions of the European community in the process of learning languages;
- to encourage the pursuit of academic multilingualism, defined by the European language portfolio;
- to preserve the linguistic and methodical traditions of the Petersburg (Shcherba’s) scientific school, developing them with the involvement of modern technologies.
Research activities:
- scientific research in the field of theoretical and applied linguistics, theory of language acquisition, theory of speech events, psycholinguistics and linguodidactics;
- development of theoretical problems of perceptual linguistics, psycholinguistics, the theory of mastering foreign languages, the perception of sounding foreign language speech to ensure the modern level of teaching foreign languages, the creation and application of the latest, including the author's teaching methods;
- participation with reports at the International Philological Conference held by St. Petersburg State University, as well as in other international and regional linguistic conferences.
Contact Information:
Tel. 2-12-51-76, 2-12-50-91
614990, Perm, 13a, Lenina street
Head of Department - Chugayeva Tatiana Nikolaevna
- Category: Dissertation boards
- Hits: 3652
The PFRC UB RAS has two Dissertation boards and a joint Dissertation board for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations.
The Dissertation board D 004.036.01 on the basis of the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of UB RAS was founded by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 26 January 2018, N 87/nk. The Dissertation board allows to take dissertations for the defense of the following specialties:
- 01.02.04 Mechanics of a deformable solid body (physical and mathematical sciences);
- 01.02.05 Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics (physical and mathematical sciences).
Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation board:
Zuev Andrey Leonidovich
(342) 237-83-14
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Dissertation board D 004.036.02 on the basis of the Mining Institute of UB RAS was established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 169 / nk dated 13 February 2018. The Dissertation board allows to accept dissertations for the defense of the following specialties:
- 25.00.16 Mining and oil and gas geology, geophysics, surveying and subsoil geometry (technical sciences);
- 25.00.20 Geomechanics, rock destruction, mine aerogasdynamics and mountain thermal physics (technical sciences);
- 25.00.36 Geoecology (in the mining industry) (technical sciences).
Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation board:
Bachurin Boris Aleksandrovich
(342) 216-09-86
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The joint Dissertation board D 999.219.02 was established on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education named after E. Wagner of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 171 / nk dated 2 October 2018. The Dissertation board allows to defend theses of the following specialties:
- 03.02.03 Microbiology (biological, medical sciences);
- 14.03.09 Clinical immunology, allergology (medical sciences).
Scientific Secretary of the Joint Dissertation council:
Maksimova Julia Gennadievna
(342) 212-44-76
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.